quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2015



SERVE: Cubatao - Santos - São Vicente - Praia Grande - Mongaguá.

Nowadays it is common the figure of Personal Trainer, that professional help personally and almost daily the customer to maintain his fitness. But what few people know is the Personal Driver service.

This is the work done by the instructor Fabio Vicentini. The course is designed for people who have some kind of difficulty, lack of confidence or restriction to drive.

The service is pioneering and unique in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Classes are individual and the instructor seeks the student at home, at work or where it is for all activities.

Early in the course the instructor evaluates the student's ability and from there develops the best planning work, which includes basics of driving, the day-to-day and travel on highways.

At the end of follow-up Personal Driver, students will be fully fit to face the traffic of the largest cities and accomplish great travel safely and securely.

It is important to remember that the student must be enabled and the course does not replace the required classes and the whole process to acquire the qualification.

Personal Driver program follows the name and to the letter. All classes are held in the Delivery Class system in which the instructor meets the student, wherever he is. The course is so personalized that it is the client himself who makes your schedule.

For the course to be more productive is essential that students feel at ease to learn naturally. Fabio Vicentini gives all the necessary infrastructure with cars that have air conditioning, power steering and always relaxing music on the CD player.

In addition to the differentiated structure in classes system and the cars used in the course, another major difference between the Personal Driver service and traditional classes for qualified is teaching.

Always transmitting calm and tranquility, Fabio Vicentini passes the content of the lessons clearly and accurately to students. The approval to date is 100%.

Monitoring of Personal Driver has of 20 hours-class, distributed subject to availability and customer needs.

The course is divided into three parts: basic techniques of direction, reproduction of the day-to-day development and techniques on the road.

Just like a physical assessment, Vicentini uses the first classes to see how is the handling of the student and then make a more appropriate programming to each individual.

Earlier Personal Driver develops the control of the pedals and the technique of customer handling. These factors result in more control, security and facilitate driving the vehicle in common situations, such as the rising and reproduced, contour curves, deviations, change tracks and overtaking.

After honing the technique for driving the vehicle, the student goes to simulate the situations found in their day-to-day, to familiarize yourself and not get caught by surprise. This consists of trips to the supermarket, college, shopping or work.

Prepared to face the traffic of a metropolis, the student reaches the final stage, which is to apply their knowledge on the road. The closure is a journey, in the client's car, south coast of São Paulo, through Praia Grande, Sao Vicente - stopping at the top of Porchat Island - and Santos.
Downloaded from the students climb the mountain going to São Paulo.

Fabio Vicentini is connected with education at the wheel for over 15 years. He began his work as an instructor in 1996, teaching for future drivers of cars and motorcycles. In the same year he was part of the rescue team GP Brazil Formula 1.
It is part of CEOC. Exelencia center Contest Officials recognized by the FIA.

In 1996 Vicentini started his work as a defensive driving instructor and test driver instructor (work performed at BMW and Volvo, GM, BMW, Ford, Kia and in 1998 began to conduct the Xclusivo of Personal Driver service.

He also serves as a pilot and instructor Test Drive, both motorcycle for cars. Currently also teaches competitive pilot practical classes in Alpie - Pilot School, at the Interlagos circuit in Sao Paulo.

Contact : 55+ (13) 34679848. (13) 99787-8976.

22 de Janeiro aniversário da Cidade de São Vicente a 1ª Cidade do Brasil.


A história da origem do nome de São Vicente começou há muito tempo, no ano 325, na cidade espanhola de Huesca, uma então Província de Saragoza. Lá nasceu o jovem Vicente, padre dedicado que se destacava por seu trabalho, tanto que o bispo de Saragoza, Valério, lhe confiou a missão de pregador cristão e doutrinador catequético.

Valério e Vicente enfrentavam, naquela época, o imperador Diocleciano, que perseguia os cristãos na Espanha. 
História da CidadeOs dois acabaram sendo presos por um dos homens de confiança do imperador, Daciano, que baniu o bispo e condenou Vicente à tortura. O martírio sofrido por Vicente foi tão brutal, a ponto de surpreender os carrascos. Eles relataram a impressionante resistência do rapaz que, mesmo com gravetos de ferro entre as unhas e colocado sobre uma grelha de ferro para ser queimado aos poucos, não negou a fé cristã.

Ao final daquele dia 22 de janeiro, os carrascos decidiram matar-lhe com garfos de ferro, dilacerando-o completamente. Seu corpo foi jogado às aves de rapina. Os relatos dão conta de que uma delas, um corvo, espantava as outras aves, evitando a aproximação das demais. Os carrascos decidiram, então, jogá-lo ao mar.
O corpo de Vicente foi resgatado por cristãos, que o sepultaram em uma capela perto de Valência. Depois, seus restos mortais foram levados à Abadia de Castes, na França, onde foram registrados milagres. Em seguida, foram levados para Lisboa, na Catedral da Sé, onde estão até hoje. Vicente foi canonizado e recebeu o nome de SãoHistória da CidadeVicente Mártir, hoje santo padroeiro de São Vicente e de Lisboa. Desde então, o dia 22 de janeiro é dedicado a ele.

Por isso, quando a expedição portuguesa comandada por Gaspar de Lemos chegou aqui, em 22 de janeiro de 1502, deu à ilha o nome de São Vicente, pois o local era conhecido, até então, como Ilha de Gohayó.

Outro navegador português, Martim Afonso de Sousa, chegou aqui exatamente 30 anos depois, em 22 de janeiro de 1532. Ele foi enviado pela Coroa Portuguesa para constituir aqui a primeira Vila do Brasil e resolveu batizá-la reafirmando o nome do santo daquele dia, São Vicente, pois era reconhecidamente um católico fervoroso.